The latest release from Richard Carr brings us a beautifully woven and intricate cinematic album that pushes emotional drive and feels wonderfully engulfing to listen to.
The Landscapes and Rainbows album is brimming with gorgeous strings and orchestral tones that layer atop each other like textures that flow together and begin to swim through the air that surrounds you.
You find yourself feeling from the songs. being a part of the sounds and they all come together like chapters or scenes to an extent.
It's all a very gracefully performed and written piece and is absolutely exhilarating.
The compositions and arrangements are beyond enticing and tastefully built with passion and tons of heart.
These songs are able to make the hairs on your arms stand up straight and allow your own imagination to take over your thoughts. They go along with the music and the emotional pull, and it feels amazing.
To let yourself get washed away with the sounds is bliss for the most part. Letting the songs and pieces tell the stories and you take them in whatever way you want to, is perfection.
The way the songs connect, and string together is outstanding and the color and life the album brings with it breathes and sways as it takes you on these journeys.
Carr knows his composition and writing put this record together with no boundaries and this is part of why it works so well.
This was a powerful and quite impactful album and really has a way of wrapping itself around you.
So, take a listen to this album as a whole. There are certain tracks that are great stand-alone but the album as a whole is the point. So, make yourself some time for music and do it with Richard Carr.