A new song from Mike Andersen brings out a very personal and honest approach with a classic, almost rustic folk tonality that blends in with hints of Americana.
The track has a beautifully stripped-down approach with essentially just acoustic guitar and vocals. This lets you pay a lot of attention to the lyrics, and this is what gives it its personality.
"Only For You" is a beautiful song and was maybe even cathartic for the artist to write and release because he's expressing a lot here.
This is an emotionally driven song, showcasing how it feels to let someone in when you love them.
It's about someone who has walls built around them for protection. Maybe they've been hurt before, maybe it's just how they are.
It's about breaking those walls down to let someone in, which is a hard thing to do when you're that kind of person.
The emotion and feeling that comes with that aspect is one bread from fear sometimes because you could be in fear of getting hurt again which is why the walls were built up in the first place.
This is something so connective and relatable to so many of us. A lot of us have been in relationships before, have been hurt by them before, and are a little fearful of jumping into something and opening up again.
To have those feelings is normal, especially if it's happened to you. A lot of us have had those kinds of feelings, thoughts, and emotions but we also don't know exactly how to express them.
This is where artists like Mike come in. Just how he articulates those feelings and thoughts into words and music, lets us know we're not alone in certain kinds of inner struggles or even just feelings.
I think this is important and Mike really opened up for this one so that we can see what's inside.
It's also about the beauty of letting someone in as well. Let us not forget that.
There aren't too many artists that open up this way or do so with such a beautifully semi-metaphoric descriptive approach, but Mike pulled this off so well that we can all get it.
This is an artist who gives pieces of himself with his music, and I think that as an artist, doing something like that showcases your ability to write songs without walls as well.
This is what true art is about: self-expression. Not being afraid to say things that you need to say to get them off of your chest.
For Mike Andersen, this is done through his music.
Again, the beauty of this is that, as listeners, we can understand, relate, and even connect to the sentiment behind this track. It evokes certain emotions of our own.
This was a beautiful single with a very personal and one-on-one approach that gave the song an intensity in a certain way.
This track comes with a music video that seems hand-drawn and painted with visuals that go along with the lyrical content, and I feel like the bare bones of these sketch-style illustrations also express that emotion the lyrics boast.
You can tell a lot went into the video and the song, and how those visuals connect with the emotion is really impressive.
The art style itself has a certain shakiness to it at times which gives you the same feeling you get hearing certain lines of this song.
A wonderfully woven single from Mike Andersen, listen to "Only for You" and see what kind of emotions invokes for you.