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A Spotlight Interview with The Uncle Earl

Writer's picture: R.A.G.R.A.G.

A new release from The Uncle Earl It's that Sweet and colorful pop tonality with a refreshing and crisp but incredibly fun and danceable Style and approach That really helps separate Uncle Earl from the crowd.

The latest single Is called find you. This track Surely has a way of getting you up and moving Pretty damn quickly.

This was an absolute blat from start to finish and the way that the song builds into what it becomes is A breath of fresh air and also a burst of fresh energy.

This is a perfect showcase of how this artist is able to spin a whirlwind of soundscape around you and swirl you right into it before you knew what happened.

The track grows into something that put the dance floor. Something that has you shaking your butt in your seat and putting your fists in the air and just enjoying the groove and flow and vibe of this wonderfully woven and driving single.

The other cool thing about The Uncle Earl is how at times he manages to touch on this almost retro pop undertone that makes things feel a bit nostalgic. I really enjoy that aspect of his music.

He's got that thing that makes you feel like you may have heard this song somewhere before but just can't quite put your finger on where and when. It's a sort of magic in a way if you think about it.

It has that special way of drawing you in and keeping you there. The sound of this track infects you and it feels good.

With the release of such a fun single, we wanted to have a sit down with Uncle Earl to find out how this song came about.

Here's what happened

Welcome back The Uncle Earl thanks!

RAG: Why don't we start with "Find You". This one has a colorful dance vibe to it and was smooth! Where did this one come from?

Hahaha colorful and smooth....I like that! "Find You" is the product of a collaboration with one of my best producers and dear friend Michael Kruse/Toy Sounds from Germany. We have won some awards in the recent past and decided to give it another go. He sent me a few instrumental demo tracks but this one in particular struck a nerve. It had a mysterious vibe and tone which intrigued me. I listened through my headphones over and over until the instruments raised their voices and that's how it came to be.

RAG: How is it you create the tracks? Do you have a home set up or studio?

I want to be perfectly clear. I am not a beatmaker but a lyricist, melody maker, vocalist and arranger. I do not have a home set up or studio. I collaborate and work with beatmakers, producers and DJ's to create the Magic! However, I used to play the baritone horn in the school band. Musicality is in my bones. When I do write, I hear the song fully orchestrated in my head. Kinda crazy hahaha!

RAG: How do songs come to you? Is it born from a beat first?

Songs come to me in many different ways. Sometimes, I am awakened by a melody or lyric in my head, other times I can be in the shower and just start singing new lyrics. I have heard a beat or rhythm with no lyrics and sing it into my recorder. It's really random.

My process is very organic. I don't usually sit down to write a song, I let the universe beckon me to express or evoke a vibe.

RAG: Where are the places that you get actual inspiration for writing music?

Hmmmm....well when I was living on the west coast in Los Angeles, I had a special patch of grass on a hill near Santa Monica Beach. I would breath in the fresh air, stare at the horizon over the water and get lost in the elements. It's amazing how much music is around us through the sounds of nature. Now that I'm on the east coast in New York City, I usually like to be in solitude with the door closed, my eyes closed, incense burning and candlelight. I can hear so much music in total silence.

RAG: Are you a classic disco music fan?

Am I a classic disco music fan? That is an understatement! I'm a "Club Kid" from back in the day. Paradise Garage, Tracks NYC, The Tunnel, Studio 54, The Limelight, The Red Parrot and many others were my stomping grounds. I also used to DJ when I was in high school, so I have a huge collection of old classic disco 12" inch singles. They are my pride and joy! Those were the days.

RAG: This track has one heavy groove! Did this end up how you expected it to?

Yes, the "Find You" EP ended up how I expected. Actually, beyond my expectations because my partner, Michael Kruse, actually created 2 additional mixes from my initial Pop Radio Mix. He Is Genius! There is also a House Mix and a Tech House Mix. I requested adding the Acapella Mix so that DJ's could play around with their own mixes, if they so desired. I am very proud of the outcome.

RAG: So, do you go out and do live shows at all?

Yes, I do Live shows from time to time. I have done a few performances in Los Angeles and New York. This year I'm looking to embark on a tour around the world. Since I work with international producers and DJ's, I think that it's only fair that I begin sharing the music and performances in the birthplaces of the music.

RAG: Is there something else new in the works right now?

Yes, I am always 2 steps ahead of myself when it comes to music and creation. I recently completed a new track with DJ Umbi Bologna, Italy, another with Franceso Boido & DJ Manuel from Italy and another with Dj/Producer Paul Mixtailes from The Netherlands. It's gonna be a very exciting year of music from The Uncle Earl & Friends! I saved the best for last hahaha

This semester, I received a scholarship to the Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music at NYU in association with Tisch and Billboard.

The program is called Music Industry Essentials. My tool kit will be filled with jewels, treasures and tricks of the trade to take my career to the stratosphere. I now would like to find, nurture and produce other talented artists!

RAG: You wake up in the middle of the night starving. What's your go-to midnight snack?

Hmmmm, my go-to midnight snack is a lot of things lol. Sometimes, I will whip up a quick batch of Japanese Ramen Noodles or a nice big vegetable salad or some pasta. I've even been guilty of taking food and snacks to bed with me, so if I wake up in the middle of the night, I can just reach over hahahahaha This is so wrong I know but whatever!

RAG: What would you want to express to real fans of the music?

What I want to express to all real fans of the music is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! The fans give me inspiration to keep going, keep reaching, keep creating and keep learning. I love feedback. Creative and constructive criticism fuels my passion. Music and Art are not selfish endeavors. It is a spiritual gift to be shared with whomever receives the good vibrations. I will continue to share, as long as there are takers. Blessings, Love & Magic To All.


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