A new single release from DREAM BOY delivers a massive and vast soundscape that brings together elements of progressive rock, shoegaze, grunge, and so much more to create this sort of atmosphere that you end up falling right into and floating alongside until the song explodes into a barrage of expansive and heavy tones.
"take whatever" feels pretty personal and that's because it probably comes from some place pretty authentic and this element really shines through throughout the course of the track but what really grabs you is it's arrangement because the way it comes in is so dreamy and floaty with guitars and vocals that are sort of drenched in a reverb effect giving the feeling of being distanced and wet but that sort of sullen and almost haunting element comes to a huge climax when everything gets heavy and this is where that vast grunge feel comes in.
This kind of arrangement is something that gives the song the feeling of being alive and breathing in its own way and it also gives it a heavy cinematic backbone to lean on and that's because there's so much spaciousness to swim through that you end up getting washed away with everything.
I love how this just gets crazy especially towards the end of the song when there's tons of layers of vocals just letting out all this emotional drive and the guitars are heavy and distorted, the drums are smashing, everything is so intensified by the end of the track that listening to the song is like washing the scene of a film or reading a chapter of a good book.
It's like an escape that you joyfully and somewhat unknowingly fall into and by the time the tracks over you have to reacclimate yourself back to reality again because the song has since pulled you from your surroundings.
Now, it's been a long time since the song is done that for me so to hear it now was just beautiful and that's the thing, there is also this wondrous and almost fantastical gracefulness to the track that wraps itself around you and keeps you right where it wants to.
It's a beautiful song honestly. Yes, it is a shoegaze and heavy rock single but it's much more expansive than just that and it's something that swims around in the air that surrounds you so you get engulfed in it and I love songs that I can really get engulfed in like that.
This was powerful, it had such an incredible presence, and there were elements of it that feels like the song was recorded live on the floor and everyone involved was just feeding off of each other's energies the entire time.
The whole thing was overtaking in the best ways possible and upon listening to it I absolutely had to take a deep dive into the band's back catalog where I heard another single released earlier this year called "crying wolf" which was also just as lofty as this one was at times.
DREAM BOY is based out of Dublin and is mostly female based with the exception of one, but the point is that they're taking this new approach to genre bending and by doing so they're creating this level of intensity that you can't escape from, and I love that aspect.
There is an honesty in these songs and in this music that lets you know that everything is genuine and that emotional drive that I mentioned earlier is completely real.
The vocals float and still managed to give this sort of passionate performance and add another layer of texture to the songs that they need to have this beautiful dynamic balance.
After hearing this track, I definitely I'm going to be paying a lot more attention to this band and cannot wait for the next thing that they release.
Listen to this one with headphones on so you can really soak in everything you were meant to.