A gorgeous new single from Shari Rowe delivers a vast and powerful country soundscape and she does this with such a Soulful and sort of intense vocal approach that you end up getting attached to everything right off the bat especially the character that comes along with the track.
"The Heavy" feels pretty personal especially if you're picking up on the lyrics that are being song but even if you don't pick up on those right off the bat, you can sincerely tell that this is coming from someplace very real and has a lot of emotional drive behind it.
This is all part of what builds on that character I mentioned earlier because it's something that becomes relatable when you listen to it and this humanizes the artist and when she sings about feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, it's something that you understand and you know what it feels like and so not only does the song make perfect sense to you but you know that this is coming from life experience.
I love her performance across this entire track because it's beautifully done with these robust vocals that really let her presence shine on the track.
You can tell that she is an artist that puts little pieces of herself into her music and it doesn't get any more authentic than that if you ask me.
This is a very full-bodied song and comes along with amazing guitar work including several hooks that stick in your head just as much as the chorus does at times and you end up walking around with these melodies bouncing around in your thoughts.
The only way to satiate that is to go and listen to the song again and to me not only is that smart song writing but I think it just comes to Shari naturally and this is how she writes her music.
This track had heart and by listening to this song alone you can clearly tell this is not her first rodeo as everything is arranged and performed with a tasteful approach and a graceful undertone.
And there's also a bit of a cinematic feel throughout this track because as the verses lead into those big choruses, there is a bit of a theatrical tone there and I think that's just because when it gets to that chorus even the melodies are sort of intense.
On Spotify and I'm certainly glad that I did because I found it endlessly enjoyable to listen to our Evolution as an artist and throughout that course you can feel the different influences that are coming through with those releases.
It starts back in 2015 with an EP and from there you have a series of singles another EP and more singles leading up to the latest track which is called "Last Time" which has a very descriptive set of lyrics that actually tell story you can paint vividly in your head as you listen.
A little bit more colorful and vivacious then "The Heavy" but is a little bit of a less serious song as well.
So you can see, she kind of adapts her characters to the songs and what they're about, how they're written, and the different levels of light and dark that they show.
I would strongly suggest starting with "The Heavy" because this gives you a great feel for how genuine she can be as an artist and how she writes music that feels like it may have been cathartic for her to release.
And from there you can go back and forth listening to the rest of her stuff and believe me when I tell you, there are some surprises around the corners and all that's well worth listening to.
Her blending of old and new school country and Americana approaches really work wonders.
Take a listen to this when you can and see how it affects you.