A fresh new single from The Uncle Earl brings a bright and colorful vibe and comes along with vibrant vocals and a classic almost retro-pop undertone and it shines with presence and character as a summer banger for sure.
"Feelin' Good" is a blast from start to finish and it really represents suh a youthful and impactful sound with dance beats, classy synths and passionate soulful vocals that just call out for you to get your ass on the dancefloor right now.
The track boasts some disco feels with guitars and builds that all come to powerful grooves, and it does indeed feel good to crank out loud.
The song comes with a set of outstanding remixes that vary is style and energy, but they all manage to keep that original version aesthetic in there but always have something new to bring to the table along with a fresh viewpoint of the single.
No matter what exact version you listen to, you can't really help but start moving. It's a club single but also works all too well as a radio track to cruise through the streets of Miami at sunset.
The louder the better with this single and it's about time we heard a song that the rule applies to correctly. You want to turn this up and you will sing along, bang your head, or start shaking your body in your seat. Either way this is one for the books.
With such a killer single, we wanted to have a chat with The Uncle Earl to find out where this came from and what may be up next for the artist.
RAG: Okay so let's start with "Feeling Good" This single had soul and such a great positive vibe to it! Where did this track come from?
"Feelin' Good" literally came straight from my soul and spirit. I received the music track first then the journey began, after listening on repeat at least 10 times. The instruments started speaking words to my subconscious mind. Each instrument has a voice and contributes to the stew. It all came together in about one hour, believe it or not, lol.
RAG: So how did this all begin for you? When did you fall in love with music really?
Wow, this all began at the age of nine. I was a child actor and singer, influenced by my mother, Sandra Reaves-Phillips, who was a Northern UK Soul Star in the 60's. There was always music around the house from Jazz to Blues to Gospel to Soul to R&B and even Broadway show tunes. I actually think my love for music began in the womb, hahaha
RAG: There are a few remixes of this single. Was this your idea? Which is your favorite?
Yes, the EP of remixes were totally my idea. Some friends tried to dissuade me from being so ambitious. But I had a feeling Deep in my gut that I wanted to produce an internationally inclusive project. I reached out to DJ/Producers from Italy, South Africa, Russia, UK and Argentina, they all were very excited, said YESSSSSSS and the rest is history. I honestly don't have a favorite mix, I love them all equally because the styles run the gamut of all my fans around the world. They each evoke a special and exciting vibe.
RAG: Who is in your headphones right now?
In my headphones right now is a new track that I received recently and beginning a new journey towards the song. I can't give any more information right now but just know that it will be positive and about LOVE.
RAG: What inspires you to write a song?
My Inspiration to write a song comes in many different forms. Sometimes, it comes while I'm in the shower, other times I wake out of a deep sleep, turn on the light,
grab a pen and a piece of paper and get busy. Yes, I still use pen and paper. Gadgets and electronics disturb my creative frequencies. However, I do have a pocket recorder if I'm out in the streets.
RAG: I'm hearing some great styles on this song. Who are some of your biggest musical influences?
Whoa, now that is a loaded question!
I have so many musical influences, but top of mind is Sammy Davis Jr., Stevie Wonder, Luther Vandross, AL Jarreau, Jeffrey Osborne, David Bowie, Grace Jones and my dearly departed Friend, Super DJ/Producer Mr. Frankie Knuckles.
RAG: What are you doing when you're NOT working on music?
When I'm not working on music, I'm a creative director and choreographer, radio personality and actor.
RAG: Would you say live performances are a big part of what you do?
Yes, live performances are a huge part of what I do because I consider myself a performance artist because of my theater background. Most, recording artists like to just stand in front of the mic and sing but I like to be all over the place and immersed within the crowd. It's all about giving and receiving positive vibrations.
RAG: This song feels like a big undertaking, is there any advice you'd give to other up and coming artists out there?
This song was an enormous undertaking that I would do again in a heartbeat. The best advice that I can give to other up and coming artists is to have no fear, take risks and step outside of your comfort zone. There is no success in being Safe or taking the low road. Aim Big, Surprise Yourself!
RAG: What can your fans expect from you in the near future?
In the near future, fans can expect more great music and some exciting music videos. I'm also hoping to travel the world spreading love, good vibes and cheer through my music!
RAG: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
I would like to say THANK YOU! Without the fans there is no reason, no vibes and no love! Also, I am open and welcome positive and negative feedback because it helps me grow as an Artist and as a Human Being. Blessings, Love and Magic To All!
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http://www.musicxray.com/profiles/841 https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/the-uncle-earl/id1021752486 https://plus.google.com/+LacyPhillips