A new release from Nathan Hudson and Ben Loory recently dropped and this is an amazing and robust piece of work as it spans a range of emotional backbone blended in with a brilliantly theatrical and orchestrated songwriting approach that lends itself to improvisational aspects but is still arranged with attention to detail and the ability to get you caught up in the happening.
The record is called Music for Falling and Flying and it is broken up into four segments and throughout those segments the instrumentation Incorporated range everywhere from violin, cello, flute, piano, clarinet, and more.
The first track that introduces you to the record is called Brace Yourself (An Impact for Clarinet and Piano)" and this is an amazing introduction to the record indeed because it spans almost 10 minutes in length and throughout that 10 minutes you are indeed pulled through these different almost emotional ranges and as certain sections of a can sound enlightening, peaceful, other sections of a can sound a little bit haunting or dark.
The performances on both piano and clarinet are astounding throughout this track. There is that element again, of an almost improvisational undertone but this was composed and arranged perfectly so that you come out of it feeling a little bit different than when you went into it.
The beauty of music like this is that it lets your imagination run with it. The music and the aesthetic, that emotion, and the soundscape of it all gives you the push and your mind can go elsewhere. Your mind ends up coming up with vivid imagery. situations, or even memories may come into play as you listen to the music.
I find this enlightening because it tells you a little bit about yourself.
Now, the second track which is my favorite of the bunch is called" The Duck" and this one is the piece of music on the record that encompasses all the elements in one. All the instruments and all the vocals.
So, this single has gorgeous violins, cello, vocals, piano, and so much more but the reason it separates itself from the bunch is because there is this spoken word part of it and that is almost narrating the song in a sense.
At times the spoken word sections can be so detailed that it actually helps you create that imagery in your head as you listen. It's descriptive and visual and I feel like with the music it really creates this specific atmosphere for you to just fall through.
It's something that takes over all your senses and I absolutely love that.
This piece of music also has beautiful operatic vocals throughout it giving it different levels of intensities and adding different layers of textures to the music as well.
This is the most full-bodied and lush piece of music on the record because there's so much thick instrumentation throughout its course giving it these beautiful layers to soak in.
The next track is the title track, "music for falling/flying" and this one has a bit of a darker underbelly to it. It's edgier a little bit more somber and it feels honest. These pieces of music feel like chapters in a book and as you read through the book, you're getting a vibe for the feelings behind it all.
This is also the shortest track on the record but does indeed provide that sort of haunting undertone I mentioned earlier.
The final track is simply called "God" and this one brings back those operatic vocals which are very bountiful and robust but also incorporates flute, and a lot more.
This whole record was quite beautiful and a lot to soak in so I suggest you do that with headphones on because it's the best way to catch everything it has to offer.
No matter what, you will certainly get pulled into this record and engulfed by it because that is kind of its purpose.
Nathan Hudson is not only a composer but also an educator and performer who has a knack for bringing together pieces of music that are experimental, moving, and memorable.
Now, he may be asking where Ben Loory comes in. Is a short story writer who wrote the story "The Duck" so, all the spoken word you're hearing in that track is actually pulled from his short story.
What you pick up from that is up to you but pay attention because it's very interesting and detailed.
Listen to this whole record from beginning to end because it's an amazing experience.