A release from Pioneer Winter Collective +Juraj Kojs brings together and eclectic and almost spiritual feeling set of musical pieces that feel like they were all pulled from scenes of different films but there's so many beautiful layers of instrumentation and textures going on throughout these songs that you end up getting wrapped up and everything very quickly and once you're in the cocoon of what this album delivers, you just want to stay there.
The Birds of Paradise album features a string of deepening electronic music by Juraj Kojs and this is something that really brings everything together because it's the compositions musically that really deliver the vast and spacious element to these pieces. The Pioneer Winter Collective has the part of spoken word which is all performed by the dancers of Pioneer Winter Collective in actuality.
The spoken word elements take you deeper into the tracks and let your mind expand with the music as you get engulfed and washed away with everything that's happening.
This was a gorgeous record with a lot of surprises that you don't expect but also these elements of light and dark, raises and waves of intensities, and this emotional backbone that pushes through here and there giving everything this lush and almost robust feel.
Having said that, the record is smooth and has a beautiful flow to it with this gorgeous atmosphere and this is part of its appeal.
It's a record that you should listen to as a whole and it does span about eight tracks in length but is completely worth it simply because they are connected in different ways, and it feels good to be soaked into a record the way that this one does.
You enter these other places in realms, and I feel like it's a beautiful combination of that cinematic and theatrical approach with the electronic soundscape bringing in the natural and digital textures together so all in all, it creates a beautiful tonality that you fall into like a dream.
This does indeed feel like a dream, especially if you listen to the entire record and I feel like not only do you get caught up in the music by the times you get caught up in the spoken word elements of it too because both end up making you think and both can make you feel as well.
I'm a big fan of music that lets you think and lets you feel in this record covers a lot of that.
Birds of paradise is a record that steps outside the boundaries of the norm and I feel like it's experimental approach really works wonders with the listener because I feel like it's going to hit each listener a little bit differently.
It can trigger memories, thoughts, scenarios, and more and for music to be able to connect with the listener and that nature is a beautiful thing.
Listen to this album with headphones on because I most certainly feel that is the best way to really get a grasp on everything and let yourself fall into the world that this album delivers.
It's more than worth your time especially for fans of music that is outside the box and has that beautifully woven theatrical element to it.
Take a deep dive into this album and see how you feel about it.