A fresh banger from Vynez has a smooth rap flow and a cinematic backbone as piano and melodic vocals keep you attached and the hook really sinks in deep.
"When Ur Down" has touches of old school style with the beat and music production side of things but the rap and vocals are new school and have a swagger to them that keeps you coming back.
The track obviously comes from someplace real and Vynez seems to use music creation to let things out that need to be let out and this is part of why the track is so powerful.
Each verse has its own unique twist and flow and the lyrical hrasig is spot on as the group really digs in on that chorus.
Classic synths come in and the piano sections feel driven to add a really killer polish to everything.
This song has outstanding production that balances a raw energy and a quality sheen that really works.
This is a single that reaches outside the box a bit and the layers of instrumentation and textured sounds along with the singing and melodies makes it sound full and lush with flavors.
Vynez teamed up with Eyes on this one and together they certainly reached a perfect spot for this collaboration together.
Upon some deeper digging we found some massive album releases from Vynez reaching back to 2011 and each some has tracks that are bound for radio and with a different feel bringing something new to the table.
Vynes is the type of artist that you never know exactly what to expect next but you knw it's going to be damn good.
he expands his styles and creates music with less boundaries than most and it's an amazing aspect in the rap game.
Dig into "When Ur Down" and jump over to his Spotify to check out previous releases. There are plenty worth your time and playlists to say the least.